

Monday, November 5, 2007

Don't you think stairs are really cool things ?!

You can go up, go down ....ok ok :P . But they really are great places to hang out at. Alone or with company.

They're a great place to think . You can think sad thoughts, happy thoughts, silly thoughts....anything. Unlike certain things like... a park bench which you might associate with somebody or something, stairs are for everybody everywhere! You can dream, hide and cry or plan a party or somebody's destruction (:P).

They're also a very comfy location to sit and read... a mug of juice on the stair above... a bowl of crunchies on the stair below ...bliss.

I always felt sitting on a stairway (especially spiral ones) was like sitting on a time portal, somewhere where time stands still, and the past and present and future is all around you, if you wanna see it. The ups and downs ....are all your choices, you can choose to go up or down, sometimes somebody calls you, but the final choice is still yours.

And there's always a rail to guide you, make sure you don't fall off . The rail is somewhat like our parents... when we were kids we slide on them, then learn to climb up and down holding on to them... at one point we don't need them anymore. But they're always there, in case you're exhausted and wanna sit down and lean back one day.

The one's with windows ... a whole new world on their own ! Like watching life go by for others when you're taking a peaceful break...

Now I'll give you guys a break ! Have fun :)

1 comment:

Sivaprakasam said...

Wow.. Great comparison of a rail with parents.. Good.. :) Strictly speaking the feel is good but a stair is not just the only structural entity that provides you that support.. A stair can also make you claustrophobic.. The bery physical support of strcutures gives you psychic support.. donno y.. N the angle at which the legs are crossed in a stair is biologically speaking justifiably comfortable.. Superb.. I liked the post a lot..!