
Rock-a-bye baby

Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Isn't being rocked gently a lovely feeling?

I imagine it is.

The last memory of being rocked to sleep is from when I was a little girl (as described in THIS post). I've been a big girl since and fallen asleep by myself.

However, the next best thing I suppose is being sung to sleep. I have a host of tiny babies around me in varying levels of baby metrics (I'm going to dedicate a post to baby metrics) - one thing common across them all is that I instinctively start singing to them when I want to calm them down. It works many times, doesn't work sometimes.

The tiny humans are probably wondering why I make strange noises directed at them I suppose. Last evening I was spending some time with one of those tiny humans - she's still shy of three months, and one of two things is going to happen to her; She's either going to continue to be really talkative, or she's going to be all talked out soon. For a little thing that can't make words yet, boy she talks a lot. Baby language of course. She spoke so much that I even forgot about my song. I was just trying to decipher what she was coming to say. She did pause to stare at the fan though. Of course, those are the most amusing things invented. I used that gap to sing to her, and she started laughing away. Was it me or the fan that amused her so? I wouldn't know.

Singing together is a happy feeling. I've been lucky to have a sister who sings amazingly, and (more importantly) sings with me. That's something about home that I love. Hearing a song, and continuing it from the next room. Granted she's accused me of making her forget many songs - and also, she remembers my composition of baby songs better than me.

My boyfriend and I, who are in a cross-continental long distance relationship also sing together sometimes. We're on the phone, doing different things, and singing the same song. One day, when he was being very indulgent of me, and I guess in a very good mood, he readily agreed when I casually asked him to sing me to sleep.

Being sung to is such a happy feeling. So calming.
That day, he had a whole playlist of songs ready for me. Yes not all of them would qualify as bedtime songs - I think he even threw in a few raps in between - however, that night, I gently drifted off to sleep with the phone on my ear. Almost better than being rocked to sleep :)

P.S: Such a random haphazard yet happy post right? Well, that's how I'm feeling now :D
Sometimes, who cares if the nursery rhymes seem a little violent? So what if the cradle drops or jill tumbles? As long as the children singing them are happy :)
Who cares if the fairy tales have been romanticised now? We could use lesser gruesome stories all around, thank you!

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