
Coin in the pocket

Monday, October 13, 2014

We play carom at office, during lunch break, quite a lot. I am not the best player among the lot. Far from. Skimming the bottom three more like. But I do pocket some seemingly impossible coins (mostly out of sheer luck!) many a time, and being the only girl there, I’m quite indulged and allowed to play as an equal ;)

I’ve been having a particularly bad week in terms of performance. Yesterday was the worst of it all. I was struggling to pocket even a single coin. So it happens, that by random draw, I got assigned a partner. In that game, he pocketed 4 coins out of 9 in his first turn. 4 more quicly followed, plus the red. And I hadn’t pocketed a single coin. There was a point when the opponent team had 5 coins on the board, while we had just one. I had many opportunities to finish the game with simple direct shots… but it just wasn’t my day, and I couldn’t. The best became the worst, as we lost pathetically in the end – despite such a glorious (thanks to my partner) start.

My partner, whom I have played with before – days when I have even been better than him, gave me a hi-five after the game. I guessed he didn’t want me to feel too badly or was seething inside, for what could have been his perfect victory. I did feel sorry for him…but there was nothing I could do, so I laughed it away.

So we left the board to the winners and the next team. A little later, he called me on the intercom, and goes “Today was awesome! Let’s play together more often!” I was stumped. Wondered if he was being completely sarcastic, though he didn’t sound it. 
So I ask him how come, and he goes – “I’ve never played this well before! I've played so well for the first time with you”

Relationships are like that aren't they?

Its many a time not about if it’s a successful partnership, or a complete failure. It’s about one person makes the other feel. One might be doing his best, and the other nothing at all, but if she makes him good about his best… or for some reason he believes she brings out the best in him, the partnership is a success. And there is hope for them to stick it out. Hope meaning, they can continue to believe that it will all work out at some point. And they win. Even if they don’t. They probably still win where it counts.

But as some people say, it’s apparently the journey that counts ;)
How long will this last, since the balance is so off? I wonder. Just some random postscript wondering.

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