
When my aunt came marching in !

Thursday, January 20, 2011

I wanted to make this a funny post. Because the whole idea seemed so ridiculous.
My aunt marched in today, and said "So there's my beautiful bride to be!"
"Nice joke" I thought...She sat with me while i ate my lunch and spoke all about her wedding day, and their 40 years of marriage. She is rather animated, and I enjoyed all her stories. Once I was done with my lunch, she insisted I "Make myself up" so she could take some photographs, to show prospective grooms.
"Thats pushing the joke a bit" I thought to myself as I laughed... she took out her camera. I thought she was just making up another one of her funny stories before taking pictures. I obliged by sitting next to her as uncle clicked.
"Make her stand against the wall, we'll take one full length and one half length photograph" he said.
Panic bells were ringing at a distant corner of my brain. The joke didn't seem all that funny anymore.
"Of course they wouldn't make me pose." Who does that anyway!!! I laughed, as much as I could, and tried to slip away, she took one photograph of me laughing and said thats good.
Another half hour passed, and all the humor drained out of the joke. They were serious, I realized.
One last serious attempt at bringing some sense into this discussing, I clenched my hands and said "Please....!"
She laughed and said "She's asking us for blessings! How sweet!"
My grand mother wasn't helping.
In fact, even after my aunt left, the next several hours saw me in a hazy state ... with my dad saying "Relax, nothing will happen immediately... just let her (my aunt) keep looking na, how is it going to affect you!"

"How is it going to affect me?!?!? HOW IS IT GOING TO AFFECT ME ?!?!" I was speechless.... Whom else will it affect ? How is it NOT going to affect me?

The day got bleaker as I listened to my cousin brother! out of all people, my supposed supporter of the family said that I wasn't giving a fair chance to arranged marriages, that my age is right. I am 22 for crying out loud!!! I was 19 like 3 days ago! Doesn't feel like years, and I definitely don't feel old enough to be getting married!
I'm still stumbling though life, personal and professional, trying to figure out who the heck I  am. How on earth, why on earth do they think I'm ready to figure out living with someone! After an hour of being told that I should in fact prepare myself for what is to come, and the worst accusation ever "I was being too subjective about the whole thing" !!!
Now I'm supposed to be objective about my wedding and my marriage !!! Whoa !!

Am I the only sane one left, or have I gone mad, and I somehow don't see some strange sense in all of this, which only others are able to ?!?!?

if I could... I would drive without stopping for the next few days... and when I reach wherever, I will stop there... and I would still feel like everything stopped making sense in this world! Which it did, when my aunt came marching in today afternoon at 2:14 PM.

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