Another midnight post
Don’t we just love those!
It’s 12: 20 AM, and I just got myself a snack from the
kitchen. Why is that even a point worth mentioning? Because the kitchen window
was… is open and earlier tonight I saw some white light reflected on some
leaves or something through it. Why does that matter? Rewinding a bit: Because
I say a portion of the movie “The Eye” yesterday.
Still not making any sense to you right? Understandable
Toing toing toing: Rewinding a lot more: I don’t do scary
movies. The scariest movie I’ve ever watched is a movie called shock. Even in
that, I think I saw the ghost just once. The rest of the time, it’s either the
music or my sister telling me when I should have my eyes tightly shut, and when
I can watch the movie.
So “The Eye” starring Jessica Alba, is a movie about a girl
who gets an eye transplant, and … no points for guessing… starts seeing dead
people, ghosts and the like. All scary movies have a ghost signature – colours:
white or black mostly. And other ghostly things (Parts when my eyes are
definitely shut) – mirrors, sounds in the dark (D’uh), empty rooms, empty
passageways, photographs… cameras … ok okay, you get the drift (And I’ve
started really creeping myself out here!!!)
The Eye, (in the first 20 minutes) had the trade mark girl
dressed in white, long black hair (Shudder).
Toing toing toing: Present!
So yes, now you know why I considered myself very brave for
going in there, and getting my snack. Despite knowing the window is open. I
looked out, and remembered that back when I was a student in the hostel, we
used to roam on the streets around the hostel all night. And that was soo much
fun. Even now, the night is … will always be dear to my heart. With all of its
Why am I rambling? Because its June now.
No more my birthday month. No more the month I gave myself
to think and make a ton of decisions. It’s the month to take action! The
decisions have been made. But I was so objective about it, that I spent very
little time on it. So, they obviously haven’t sunk in. Besides, I’ve realized
that I can support myself financially – freelancing for a while. So the
pressure has greatly decreased.
Normally, New Year begins with fresh expectations and a
clean slate and all, but I give myself till May to wrap things up nicely. Now
May is over. June it is. Blessed June; which always brings with it a ton of
emotions and guaranteed mood swings.
Mood swings + Less working hours + Me = Bad …terrible
terrible combination!
Anyways, what will be will be. Doing a bit of travelling
this weekend. Mini trip. Going to keep myself occupied a lot. Did I tell you
that I’ve been experimenting with cooking? And obviously, I’ll keep you updated
on all that happens on the flip side!
Still dreaming,
Someday’s Dreamer
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